Kantara Biometric Proofing Requirements, v3.0-alpha

Requirements inherited from SP800-63B regarding biometric technology. Content pending completion of SP800-63B TDs.
Identifier https://demo.trustmarkinitiative.org/tpat/tips/kantara-proofing-biometrics/3.0-alpha/
Publication Date 2023-06-30
Issuing Organization
Trustmark Support help@trustmarkinitiative.org 555-555-1234 400 5th Street Atlanta GA 30332
Keywords NIST, Kantara, ICAM, 800-63

Trust Expression:


References (1)

 TD  Supervised Identity Proofing - Biometrics, v3.0
Description The requirements for biometric collect for supervised identity proofing.
ID TD_SupervisedIdentityProofingBiometrics
Provider Reference
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